Are your kids back in school, and you're worried about the impending germs and viruses that will be passed around? Does the approaching cold and flu season keep you up at night?
Consider adding this Natural Immune Booster to your daily regiment...
Sassy's Elderboost - Elderberry Syrup
What is Elderberry Syrup?
Elderberry Syrup is a liquid supplement made from elderberries. Elderberries are small black-purple berries that belong to the Sambus Tree. They are packed with natural antioxidants and vitamins.
Benefits of Elderberry consumption?
Helps to support a healthy immune system
Powerful cold preventative
Helps reduce symptoms of cold & flu
High in Vitamin C
Promotes heart health
Lowers inflammation & stress
Good for respiratory & lung health
High in fiber
Keeps Skin Healthy
Link to Sassy's ElderBoost Facebook Page:
If you think that you might be interested in trying Elderberry, be sure to speak with Dr. Brandon or a member of our staff at your next visit!
As a reminder, all of our active patients can enjoy the benefit of 10% off the supplement of the month!